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Here you'll find my smaller projects that I just want to talk to someone about anyway.

Miniature Sculpting

Miniature Sculpting is what drew me in to start learning Blender at first.

At the time I had just recently taken up the hobby of miniature painting with Warhammer, and thought it would be really fun to design my own minis for it.

I worked on a series of minis (short for minatures) called "The Minecraft Collection"

I made three miniatures for that project. The Creeper, Zombie Pigman and The Enderman.

The Creeper

I decided to take the Creeper sculpt further and Rig it, since it was my favourite of the three. 

I always imagined the Creeper being furry, it just makes it that much more creepy... Also his legs are fingers and thumbs if you hadnt noticed.

I used Blenders Particle system to give the Creeper his fluffy coat.

The Not-So-Sneaky Robot

I thought it would be a fun idea to take one of my daily animation exercises and give it some context. My idea was that the robot is trying to sneak through a city as quietly as possible, but is completely unaware that he is not being sneaky at all.

I used a rig From hollowpixels "Un-Game Land" Project. The rest was modelled, shaded and lit by me.

Check Out Some Other Stuff!

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